Monday, 25 March 2013

Let's Soak up the Sun

This layout is my take on the March challenges at Once Upon a Sketch (OUAS), where the theme was Weekend, and Inkido, with the theme of the Great Outdoors.

I enjoy long walks when winter is getting close to spring and even we in the Nordic countries get to enjoy the warmth of the sun again. This winter had been cloudy so far and we’d also been busy renovating a bedroom. So the best chance to enjoy a walk next to the frozen seafront was on a weekend to our neighboring country’s capital Tallinn, a 2 hour ferry trip from Helsinki.

It was really quiet along the seafront where we walked, but we did see a path in the snow so we could tell it had been walked on. We were heading for a new and acclaimed Maritime Museum called Lennusadam (the Seaplane Harbour). It’s located in a sort of industrial area /old fishery neighborhood, which was not of touristic interest until very recently. All we knew was we’d find the museum following the path by the sea!

I can really recommend the museum to anyone who’s going to Estonia. Especially those of you who are inspired by the Steampunk style would love it, with all the antique instruments and machinery. You even get to go inside a submarine! There was enough to look at for the whole day for us parents and the 5-year-old. Heaps of scrapworthy pictures are waiting for another post!

Here’s the OUAS Sketch:

Nautitaan auringosta

Osallistun tällä työllä maaliskuun Once Upon a Sketch -ja Inkido-haasteisiin. OUAS:in luonnospohja on tässä llä ja leiskan aiheena oli viikonloppu, Inkidolla puolestaan ulkoilmaelämä.

Molempiin aiheisiin sopi hyvin kuva Tallinnan matkalta viikko sitten. Tykkään käydä talvisin kävelyllä jäällä tai jään äärellä, mutta tänä talvena se oli jäänyt väliin. Tallinnan satamasta uuteen Lentosataman merimuseoon oli mukavan pituinen kävely ja melkein kokonaan rantaa pitkin. Pirteästä pakkasesta huolimatta aurinko lämmitti jo ihanasti kasvoja!

Museo on aivan upea, suosittelen lämpimästi! Valokuvata sai vapaasti ja innostavia aiheita oli vaikka kuinka. Etenkin steampunk-tyylin ystävälle löytyy ihailtavaa ja kuvattavaa vanhoissa mittaristoissa ja muissa laitteissa. Postaan varmaan myöhemmin jotain museon antia!


  1. I enjoyed reading you little story about your family's weekend adventure though I am quite happy with warmer weather we have on this side :-)))
    I love you cool winter LO - it is so interesting, there is so much going on. wonderful take on the sketch!
    thank you for joining us at OUAS!

  2. I love the off-centre angle you have used and all those details! Thanks so much for sharing your fab layout with us at OUAS this month!

  3. I'm happy you had a little springtime sunshine on your trip. The submarine sounds very exciting! I would love to go inside a submarine. :)Love your little photo sketch.
