Here are three of my recent favourite stamped projects. The call is on until May 30th, in case someone else is interested!
Last Days of Disco Hand
At my favourite site ATCs for All, we’re also trading Hand Art, where you make your art on hand shaped pieces of cardboard. This one is for a trading friend who requested a Pink and Sparkly Hand.
The neon pink of my acrylic paint reminded me of the 1980’s fashion, and the combination of black lace and bright pink in particular. You know what I mean, if you remember Madonna in Desperately Seeking Susan!
I wanted there to be a ring chained to a bracelet and knew I had exactly the stamp for that: Record Face On 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 I just got in the mail from VLVS! I stamped and heat embossed the row of vinyls on top of the lace glove I had printed with a stamp from Stampendous. The bracelet and attached ring are cut from star shaped punchinella ribbon, and the other rings are circle shaped die cuts from sparkly papers.
Mixed Media Medusa ATC
My favourite style in ATC cards is mixed media collage, and here’s a card I’m particularly happy with! She’s a Medusa, the Greek mythical character with a female face and snakes in place of her hair. Medusa’s look could turn the lookers to stone, and she can also be seen as a symbol of mistreated women’s anger. In the designer Versace’s logo, on the other hand, she is said to represent beauty, art and philosophy. A many faced figure, then!

The face stamp I used is from Lost Coast Designs. I stamped her on a piece of a map to add a bit of an edge to it. She comes from the dark underwater, after all! The background is painted with acrylics on a music sheet. For the snake skin pattern of the hair, I used punchinella as a stencil to spread Golden Modeling Paste from the German supplies brand Lukas.
Lady with a Snow Globe: Mixed Media Wall Art
This wall hanging is actually an altered book cover. I knew I wanted the focal image to be my new Lady with a Snow Globe from VLVS! But first of all, I wanted to make lots of layers.

This will be a present to a friend across the ocean, with whom we first became pen pals as young girls. With the postal theme in mind, I picked some used postage stamps and borders from airmail envelopes.
I also pasted a lace border at the bottom of the piece and small sun or star punch-outs here and there. The doodled flowers are patterned tissue paper decoupaged onto the background. Apart from them, the collage background does not show through much in the end, but I like how it gives depth to the piece anyway!

I gave the piece some gesso and several layers of acrylic paint and stamped a bit here and there before stamping and heat embossing the Lady.

Though she's actually looking at a snow globe, I think her face is so kind and knowing that she might also be a good fairy or fortune-teller visioning happy years for my friend on her birthday!
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