Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Tape Challenge at Cute & Cool Creations

Hi! Here's a super easy ATC card for Anski's Create Something with Tapes Challenge. Anski is one of the leading Finnish papercraft bloggers and celebrates the 6th birthday of her lovely blog Cute and Cool Creations with this giveaway. Linking over there by September 8, 2014, you can win a €20 gift card to Teippitarha, a superb Finnish online store for washi and other tapes. International participants are welcome!

I've been wanting to try cutting silhouette patterns from a row of washi tapes. I think they look cool and are really quick to make, once you have a template you are happy with. It looks like I've acquired quite an assortment of green tapes, so that's what made up my colour choice, but this might work even better in the traditional Delft pottery blue!

Erilaisten muotojen leikkely washiteipeistä on juttu, jota on tehnyt mieleni kokeilla jo pitkään, ja ATC-kortti syntyikin tosi nopeasti tällä tekniikalla, kunhan olin ensin piirtänyt sopivan muodon! Piirsin kannun, liimasin teipit rivissä ja leikkasin sitten kuvion ääriviivojaan pitkin irti. Taustapaperin voi irrottaa ja siirtää teippikuvion suoraan korttipohjaan. Teippivarastostani löytyi paljon vihreää, joten se määräsi kannun värin, mutta tämä voisi olla vielä ihanampi sinisenä!

Osallistun kortilla teippihaasteeseen Anskin Cute and Cool Creations -blogin 6-vuotissynttäriarvonnassa. Palkintona on 20 € lahjakortti Teippitarhaan ja osallistumisaikaa 8.9.2014 asti!


  1. Upea kortti ja tosi hieno toteutus ja idea! Kiva kun osallistuit haasteeseeni!

  2. I so appreciate your taking the time to inform me that the use of the term "dark continent" might be offensive to some. It didn't occur to me that it might be. I've always heard the term with no thought whatsoever as to its connotation. If someone were to ask me, I would probably have said it might have to do with phases of the moon or the sun and dense jungles! That's how clueless I was. I would never intentionally insult any one of our artist friends. Thank you for your input!

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