Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Summer of Color, Week 5: Red, Royal Blue and Light Blue

The fun challenges at Summer of Color are nearing the end, as it's the week five out of six now. That said, there's still plenty of time to join this week and again with the new palette next week. This is a super welcoming community where all sorts of art and crafts are welcome!

I made these two ATCs with used postage stamps.

Summer of Color -sivustolla ilmestyvä kiva kesäinen värihaasteiden sarja lähenee loppuaan, sillä tämän viikon paletti on viides kuudesta. Vielä on kuitenkin hyvin aikaa osallistua sekä tämän että tietysti ensi viikon tehtäviin!

Tämän viikon väreistä, punaisesta ja tumman- ja vaaleansinisestä syntyi kaksi ATC-korttia käytetyistä postimerkeistä. SOC on lämminhenkinen yhteisö, jonne kaiken sorttiset luomukset ovat tervetulleita, korteista ja skräppäyksistä maalauksiin ja yhtä lailla neule- ja virkkuutöihin. Olen saanut kivoja uusia tuttavuuksia tätä kautta, unohtamatta sitä, että palkinnot ovat hyvät - kannattaa kurkata!

Have a good week! / Hyvää viikkoa kaikille!


  1. Fantastic how you have used the stamps, love how you have created your stunning ATC's, they are adorable :-) xxx

  2. love these, and I too really enjoy using postage stamps in my art:)

  3. Very clever to use stamps to make little houses ! :) x

  4. That's the most creative use of postage stamps I've seen in a LONG time. These are awesome.

  5. Great use of the stamps, I especially love the rose one.

  6. Thank you so much, everyone! I'll pop in at each of your blogs later.

  7. Ooh I like your little houses! So sweet! Great use of this week's colours also.

  8. Very beautiful ATC's! I love the creative way you used this week's SOC colors!

  9. Gorgeous ATC's Salla....that first one is gorgeous...that rose stamp is fabulous! ;-)

  10. These are great! I love how you used postage stamps! I love getting parcels from other countries so I can see the unusual/different stamps :-P

  11. Really lovely ATC's. I like the way you have used the postage stamps, and I love your backgrounds and the very sweet flowers, so creative in such a small space. You've also managed to make the SOC colours look good together.

  12. Wonderful ATC,Salla!
    You recently went there, I loved receiving your visit and I still knowing that his son likes my Brazil. That good! Not was this time when we won the Cup, but I loved all the solidarity between peoples movement :)
    A hug!

  13. Oh goodness, these ATCs are adorable! I can image how small they are...cute!
